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How to Generate Forex Leads in 2023? — Ultimate Guide

Written by

Emmanuel O.

Reviewed by

Andrew Strassmore

Fact checked by

Artem Goryushin

Updated: June 26, 2023


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Generating forex leads is a demanding process that needs a comprehensive strategy and an effective marketing plan. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all solution, as each business has its personal goals and resources. Anyway, one thing is clear – marketing is necessary for any forex business if it wants to survive in the highly competitive market. In this article, you’ll find out how to build marketing strategy for your project and generate leads in a cost-effective way.

Marketing strategy will impact every piece of your business, and it should be tied to every piece of your business.

Brandon Andersen Linkedin

Chief Digital Officer at 919 Marketing

Setting up goals

The first and most important aspect of building a marketing strategy for forex projects is setting up goals. Businesses have to estimate what they are striving to achieve and how they can do it.

Establish objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART) to maximize your chances of success. In order to help yourself and visualize your goals, you can create a “goal tree,” defining the main objective and its associated sub-objectives that you must do in order to achieve the main goal.

Setting up goals

Conduct a market research

Before taking any promotional action, businesses have to explore their competitors and learn about them as much as possible. This step is important because it will help to identify their strengths and weaknesses and let them stand out from the crowd.

The reasonable question is how to conduct market research and find your competitors. In the digital world, this is not an issue. In order to find your competitors and explore their performance online, you can use the following services:

  • Ahrefs
  • Semrush
  • Similarweb

Moreover, these services will provide you with detailed information on traffic, organic performance, and SEO stats of your competitors.

Additionally, investigating industry events and company rankings can be exceptionally beneficial in assessing competition.

Coming back to a strengths and weaknesses analysis, there is one more classic tool: SWOT analysis. Try making a simple SWOT analysis and comparing the results with those of your competitors, so you will have a better idea of your advantages and disadvantages.


Create a powerful USP

Once you have learned about your strengths and weaknesses, it is time to create a powerful Unique Selling Proposition (USP). A USP is an essential element that makes your business better than your competitors. Consider your main advantages from the previous step and try to find something that sets you apart from the competition. If you’re in the forex marketing industry, your Unique Selling Proposition should emphasize several of the following areas:

  • Trading fees
  • Leverage
  • Number of available assets
  • Any other special offers

Don’t forget to analyze your USP against the competition, ensuring it delivers something of value for those you hope to reach.

Suggest relevant marketing channels

Establishing goals, conducting research and developing a plan are pivotal steps to take when creating an effective marketing strategy. Picking the correct channels that will help you reach your objectives while generating forex leads is paramount – so let us examine some of the most successful marketing techniques used in this field.

Marketing Channels

Event Marketing

Event marketing has always been a crucial tool not only for networking, but also for lead generation. Visiting industry events brings value to your brand and helps to increase your direct sales through personal communication. Moreover, you can get a booth at the event or sponsor it, which will increase your exposure and the number of contacts you make during the event.

Events are a great tool; however, they work better for B2B companies. Based on our experience, industry events can bring up to 55% of sales to B2B businesses among all other channels.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an effective way to market a forex business online. Website optimization requires a lot of financial and time resources; however, this channel is one of the most effective in the long run.

SEO can be split into two distinct approaches: on-page and off-page.

On-page SEO includes following factors:

  • E-A-T
  • Content optimization
  • Meta tags optimization
  • Adaptive layout
  • Internal links
  • Clear URL

Off-page SEO refers to:

  • Blogposting
  • Link building
  • Social media management
  • Reviews and brand visibility

PPC Advertising

PPC ads provide businesses with precision targeting, which means that you can reach your target audience. Due to high purchase intent, you can target people who are already looking for your product. Pay-Per-Click advertising can also be divided into two categories.

Search advertising appears at the top and bottom of search results. Businesses can launch search ad campaigns on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, and other search engines using their respective advertising platforms.

Display advertising refers to banner and video advertising on relevant websites. Businesses can run ads on Google partner websites as well as their internal services, such as YouTube and Gmail.

Inbound Marketing

Content is king, and supplying educational content that proves to be useful can produce remarkable results for a forex business while simultaneously aiding in lead generation. Inbound marketing serves to educate your target audience, allowing you the opportunity of conversion throughout their learning experience.

If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing.

Guy Kawasaki Linkedin

Chief Evangelist, Canva

The importance of inbound marketing cannot be overstated. Let’s dive into the various formats it can take.

Content types that are encompassed by inbound marketing include:

  • Webinars
  • How-to guides
  • Market researches
  • Terminology glossary
  • Courses and educational programs

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another great tool not only for forex lead generation but also for customer retention. Due to its personalized approach, businesses can make special offers and increase the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

What types of emails can you send?

  • Welcome emails
  • Newsletter
  • Lead nurturing emails
  • Product updates
  • Special offers
  • Educationa

Social Media Marketing

Don’t underestimate the power of social media for your forex business! Establishing a strong presence on social media platforms and providing relevant content can help you build trust with potential customers, especially in this highly competitive industry. So make sure to take full advantage of it.

Social media management is all about content, so business has to produce something valuable to it’s target audience. Think about the following content types when considering what kind of material to post here:

  • Educational articles
  • Products updates
  • Working environment & team photos
  • Videos
  • Guides
  • AMAs
  • Surveys

Don’t forget to interact with your subscribers on a consistent basis. The more you engage with your audience, the more loyal they will be.

Press Releases

If you want to increase your reach and build trust in the eyes of potential customers, then leveraging PR for your forex business can be a powerful tool. An effective way to bring attention to your project is by telling its story on top-tier media outlets – this will help spread visibility and direct more referral traffic towards your website.

It is essential for any business to include press releases about their product updates, special researches or Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions. This strategy helps to bolster public perception and build a strong reputation; after all, people often check the project’s standing with highly respected media outlets before engaging in it.

Implement your ideas

Finally, when you are done with planning, it is time to take action. To make your strategy run smoothly, it is useful to create a roadmap and cover all suggested activities running concurrently within a specified time frame.

Roadmap will help you manage the implementation of your marketing strategy and keep an eye on its success.

Empowering marketing strategy

Devising and executing a marketing strategy is no guarantee of success, as the market and consumer needs are ever-evolving. Therefore, it’s essential to stay proactive with adjusting your approach in order to remain competitive. By monitoring developments carefully and reacting swiftly you can ensure that your plan remains successful over time.

Moreover, don’t forget to track your KPIs and enhance your strategy with a multi-touch approach.

Marketing Funnel

Utilize data-driven marketing and comprehensive analytics to keep an eye on potential customers throughout their journey, and enhance your strategy with remarketing and personal marketing activities to achieve your KPIs.


If you want to take your forex business to the next stage, it’s essential that you invest both time and effort into generating leads. With a well-planned marketing strategy in place, not only will you save costs but also build a stable potential customers flow who require your services most. To ensure success over time, regularly optimize your marketing strategies and create new ones as needed.

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